Hellraiser (1987) This one's a special review for the great @movieloversmovieclub that has been showcasing horror films for each day of October. My pick for the group is Clive Barker's 1987 classic, Hellraiser. No, the film is not altogether that superb, however, there is a specific reason why I chose it for today. It is because, for anyone who had a childhood post-1987, the image of Hellraiser's Pinhead is one that, anytime glimpsed, surely terrified the absolute bejeezus out of you. Most of us weren't able to actually watch the film until we were much older (unless your parents were rather negligent) and so all we had for those young years growing up was Pinhead himself - that ghastly white face, like a spectre in the night, with gruesomely long and masochistic nails sticking out from every angle of his head. Literally, the stuff that nightmares are made from. Now, for the film itself. In my opinion, Hellraiser, the film, is better thought of as a scary campfire...
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