Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) So, it's been a minute, hasn't it?? I've been away doing some cool work out in Vancouver that left me with little time to entertain you with my sub-par reviews. But like I said... "I'd be back!" (*cue cymbal crash*) Ok, right, lame joke, I get it.... Dark Fate is the newest instalment in this everlasting franchise. One might be surprised why they continue beating the dead horse of this series as each of the recent sequels have been underwhelming and not entirely successful. But, like the T-800 itself, I guess the Terminator series really is that hard to kill. But with Dark Fate I must say there was hope! The new sequel marked the return of creator, James Cameron, as producer and co-writer, as well as the return of original stars, Arnie and Linda Hamilton. As such, this one would seemingly be a return to the source formula that made the two originals such resounding classics. Unfortunately, a saviour to the series Dark Fate w...
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