Mike's All-Time Top 10
To ease into things a bit, I thought I would be self-indulgent and list off some of my favourite films. This list may not be entirely accurate... Numbers 1 and 2 have been clear in my head for a long time in those respective positions. The rest of the list, however, I just thought up now, and so, they may be somewhat interchangeable with one another, and also, had I thought longer about this list, other films may actually more deservedly hold those spots.A few thoughts about this list: 1) Yes, I am still fairly childish; many of these films are genre films: horror/sci-fi/fantasy, they are simply ones that I grew up with, 2) I do not have any comedies here because I find that where I place them frequently changes over time (maybe I'll do a separate comedy list at some point), and 3) in some of these cases, I simply wanted to do service to a particular director and so I chose one that I thought represented them well.
This list is of my favourite films, and not the films that I necessarily hold as being the best. Favourite is an emotional term and so all of these films hold sentimental value to me, as well, I do think each is a 'good' film. There are many films that I have since seen that I would likely deem 'better' than many on this list but then, again, I may not actually like the film all that much even if I think it is a 'good film'.
I will be revealing / talking about in greater depth each of these films in the coming days/weeks. You will be able to read about each in more detail here at the blog or on the instagram page @mikegoestomovies.
See if you can guess any of the films by these teaser photos!
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