Three Identical Strangers (2018)
This utterly fascinating and equally-heartbreaking documentary follows the story of Bobby, David and Eddy - three identical triplets - who were separated at birth, discovered the existence of the others nineteen years later, and thereafter tried to rekindle their lives together for what may have been. Their stories are not being heard here for the first time - but perhaps in greater detail than ever before - as their incredible reunion made international headlines when it occurred in 1980 and turned them into bonafide celebrities for a short while.The story, as told by the brothers, friends and a few others, is a true roller coaster of emotion as we experience the exciting highs of the first meeting of the brothers and their endeavour to make up for lost time and learn everything there is know of each other. However, the happiness of the story does not persist as the documentary uncovers, again, the fascinating, yet horrific, secrets underlying the brothers' original separation. As well, as the story continues the realization eventually sinks into the brothers (and the world) that these three men may look identical and have some quirky similarities, but they are theretofore strangers and unique individuals, each with different upbringings and personalities, and, as such, harsh difficulties and obstacles arise (which I will not divulge here).
The documentary is as much a character study of these brothers and their families, and how they have coped with the ill-fated reunion and subsequent discoveries, as it is about the question of nature vs nurture and the ethicality of scientific endeavours. The film itself is excellently made with an effective balance of interviews, archival photographs and footage, and some constructed fictionalized scenes. For those interested in a superbly-made, highly humanistic documentary then I can't recommend Three Identical Strangers enough.
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