Avengers: Endgame (2019) - Spoiler-Free This is it - the culmination of 11 years and 22 films - a wholly unprecedented achievement in cinema history of a story-line that began more than a decade ago and has since weaved its way through various franchises, characters and plot threads, all under the banner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This is the end of the Infinity Saga. And, in that, Endgame is a resounding success. As most of you know, this is absolutely a film to go into blind - there are many twists and turns that are obviously left unspoiled that will have you clinging to your seat and cheering out in the theatre (perhaps to almost-deafening levels by the true die-hards, as we evidently experienced last night). What makes this film truly special is that, unlike most of the MCU's previous films that always seem to be setting up the next film/character, Endgame is a love letter and a proper conclusion to all that has come before. Not only does this film end the narrativ...
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